Cigar Cigar - House Cigar
A Nice Value Cigar
6" by 50 Torpedo
Wrapper: Indo. Sumatra
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Nicaraguan
Made in Miami for Cigar Cigar located on Biscayne Blvd. in North Miami. This is a value cigar, priced at $3.50, it has a nice looking wrapper being oily with minimal veins. The ash was flaky and grey not holding for more than half and inch. Burn was near perfect. The taste started out mild and built toward medium being slightly peppery. A nice smoke for the price, I was surprised that it was not bland and not really one dimensional. The one thing that bothered me is that it would not stay lit for the last inch.
7 out of 10 (but recommended if you are looking for a value cigar)
6" by 50 Torpedo
Wrapper: Indo. Sumatra
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Nicaraguan
Made in Miami for Cigar Cigar located on Biscayne Blvd. in North Miami. This is a value cigar, priced at $3.50, it has a nice looking wrapper being oily with minimal veins. The ash was flaky and grey not holding for more than half and inch. Burn was near perfect. The taste started out mild and built toward medium being slightly peppery. A nice smoke for the price, I was surprised that it was not bland and not really one dimensional. The one thing that bothered me is that it would not stay lit for the last inch.
7 out of 10 (but recommended if you are looking for a value cigar)
At 3:32 PM, Unknown said…
New website coming out Allows you the ability to completely customize your own cigars. Hoping that you could look over the website and write a review for your blog! It would be greatly appreciated.
At 3:33 PM, Unknown said…
New website coming out Allows you the ability to completely customize your own cigars. Hoping that you could look over the website and write a review for your blog! It would be greatly appreciated.
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